Amazon deletes 100 million reviews? – Design product orientation! I Amazon FBA News I #AMAnews
It clearly shows that the ratings are a waste product from the actual manipulation process. It is only about creating the sales manipulation under certain keywords. Just enter the word “keyword” in Amazon and look at the suggestions, you will see which products have the more unhappy customers in the understanding of the Search-Find-Buy process.
Nearly 20% of all reviews deleted in 2020?
Dharmesh Mehta, the vice president of Amazon in Seattle, who deals with the issue, also thinks that more than 10 million reviews come in every week. Unfortunately, there is no clear distinction between merchant reviews and product reviews, or between product reviews and merchant reviews. You have to be careful, because the word is also used twice in the text itself. And in total, 100 million fake reviews or suspected fake reviews were deleted last year. That’s almost 20% of all reviews that are deleted.
The clarity is simply gone!
If you look in detail, the clarity is simply poor. With the roll-out of the global reviews and with the roll-out of only star ratings, this has gotten a very strange drive and you can also hardly analyze. Every country is different, different uses, different quality awareness. Other animal husbandry scenarios. Just think of dogs, cats, food, toys etc. On the picture is exemplary a product, which is already available since 2013, already 9000 global reviews have come in and just 4500 which have come about in the actual market. Of course, this falsifies massively. On the other hand, you get a global rating, although you sell only on the German marketplace. – Congratulations. We hold firm, we make the best of it.
Everything shifted – in a positive way!
Amazon postpones fee cuts. The annual fee adjustments will be postponed until June 1, 2021, and the changes to merchandise return processing fees will then go into effect on the first of March, and the changes to the new item program will go into effect on April 1. So Amazon is moving some things around and announcing that. In addition, processing fees for customers will be adjusted again. More details can be seen in the picture. For jewelry and watches, this is omitted completely. That’s really strong, because those are with partly 20% or more really hefty return rates. Also the promotion for percentage sales fees for clothing, shoes and bags undergoes a change…
New marketplace – when is the Czech Republic coming?
After the Netherlands and Sweden last year, it’s now Poland’s turn. Now the only question is when the Czech Republic will be added. Have that in any case on the screen, because then you should deal with the translations. Netherlands and Sweden with their 17 and 10 million inhabitants respectively, Poland, on the other hand, has 45 million!
Looks like Google!
Amazon itself, is becoming something very similar to Google. For example, if you go to the bottom of a search results page, especially on desktop, you’ll find “similar search terms.” Similar search terms have always existed that way, only now there are more, you can click on them directly and it just looks similar to Google.
SD now very targeted control- even in retargeting
SD can now be targeted very specifically. In retargeting, it is also possible to refine the category very specifically. A very good approach to be able to work again very targeted and granular. But they have thrown away the measurability for this. The placements outside of Amazon and on Amazon were introduced. Here, the measurability is then also almost completely gone and the controllability.One rumors that it will soon on CPM basis still completely switch, but let’s see. What I noticed immediately, I have not created any new campaigns, after the introduction simply shot my sponsored display playouts through the ceiling. And through the roof here just really means partially triple the playout areas. I’m still looking, because it does not necessarily have to be related but just see how it develops with you.
What exactly are you bidding against?
For the next topic, we’ll stay in the area of advertising: Sponsored Video Ads. I’ve been working with this for a while now, and I just took a look at what happened there in October and was shocked. For those who didn’t catch it, you set a bid and you pay. You put in another bid and you pay. You put in a higher bid and you pay. Of course, the question is, who are you bidding against? To illustrate on the left side of the picture, I put in 37 cents and I pay 37 cents. I enter 90 cents and I pay 90 cents. That is the problem: If there is no competition, then you always pay. Here side by side, it may be that your Sponsored Videos Ads are doing significantly better with a lower price or at least just as well. Please have a look if someone else is bidding. Otherwise you always pay.
Somehow Somewhere Sometime, customers are watching videos.
No watches videos in the listing, but is not bad! Make videos anyway, make them properly. All videos that I use now for a new customer, we use 1:1 as advertising ads. Nevertheless, in a certain product area that is just now gaining more and more usability and visibility in the direction of 14.02.2020, the views are also increasing. And there we are currently at 2%-2.5%. It gets better! You have to say of course, 81 compared to 3000-4000 is not much now, but broken down as a percentage, it is then already something more.
Set DSP Audience LOOKBACK correctly
The DSP advertising form is quite an interesting thing in the end. We have “lookbacks” there that you can set. You take a certain product area and say “I want to build my own audience”, i.e. people, customers who have searched for it, who have looked at the products, who have looked at similar products or even bought the product. Of course, that’s super good because you can set them positive or negative afterwards. So, for example, all competitor products on which customers were and who did not buy it. Subsequently, the “lookbacks” automatically arise depending on the scenario size 30, 90, 180, 365 days and most use them unfortunately 1:1! Please take into account the purchase decision speed, because otherwise you will find in these to a large extent people who no longer want the product anyway. Work with the lookback numbers a bit more clever, e.g. 1, 3, 7 or 14 days, see what results you get and simply consider the purchase decision speed.
Variants are mandatory – but ONLY here!
Once again, the topic of variations. I have picked out an example here where I would support variations and where not. Here we have the topic “pharmacy”, actually an area in which I would say “variations, yes please!”. We often know what they are called, what they are against and which we want to have, BUT also in the pharmacy the pharmacist then says “take the 200ml pack, it costs less and they have more”. So it is ultimately the same with Amazon of course. Here, variations make sense, because this is a topic in which the customer does not directly say in the search “I need this and this size” but first picks out the right medicine/product. Here you have to work a lot with the image. In my opinion, variants are actually an advantage for the end consumer.
How to lose customers?
The size of the product is a problem if you have a dog. If you have a big dog, he will swallow it. If you have a small dog, the toy is bigger than the dog. And in this example, we have “Small/Medium, Medium/Large, Very Large, Very Small.” Same word twice? And at the bottom it says “Available in 4 sizes: XS, S/M, M/L and XL”. Please what? It’s not tangible. Unfortunately the pictures don’t help at all, no sizes with it, measurements are not backed. I also do not know at all which color I get. There is a big difference between gray, light brown and dark brown. And then you look at the A+ content and realize you don’t care about the manufacturer. 4.3 stars with over 13,000 reviews? That must be good. But if you then look at the customer pictures, the whole thing looks different. Now comes the biggest surprise, I bought it and hey, it can squeak. Nowhere does it say. But wait, if you look at the picture again, it is written very small in French. Nevertheless, it has been making huge sales for years. I would like to ask you, even if it runs, even if you drive large sales and profits, do not rest on your laurels. THERE IS STILL A LOT MORE TO DO!
Shopping cart analysis 2.0
Finally they are here! You can break down brand analytics, shopping cart analytics to just your product. Show all products, show my products NOT or show ONLY my products. This is really good, you used to have to calculate way too much manually. The whole thing, of course, also in Repeat Purchases Analytics 2.0, where you can now filter by brand, category and subcategory. Brand Analytics finally takes the next step, that’s really really good!
How to deal with Valentine’s Day?
Last but not least, I want to show you a little trick. And it’s about this: Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! Whether it’s Easter, Men’s Day, Mother’s Day or you don’t know what to give for your birthday: just go to the bestseller lists and there to the “most wanted” section. Then you can relax and choose a main category or an exact selection. As you can see, the ASIN extractor pops up in the upper left corner, regardless of whether you choose shoes, handbags, women’s handbags or shoulder bags. We give you immediately with one click all available articles on these 2 pages. You click on it and immediately have all the ASINs in the cache for your product alignment. All I can tell you is, if you are reading this tip right now in the first week of February, get started IMMEDIATELY if your products have some connection to Valentine’s Day. Search your product area, go into the area “desired” and switch immediately advertisement on it. If you want to go one step further, you can go to the area “gifts”.