What is Customer Questions & Answers?
With Amazon, customers can not only buy products but also ask questions about retailers/sellers or specific items. This is done using the button “Customer Questions & Answers”. Customers can get information about certain products or any discrepancies, including problems with a particular item. This tool provided by Amazon (Customer Questions & Answers) can also be used to answer existing questions, acting as a forum if there is an open discussion about a product.

Amazon guidelines for customer questions
A particular feature is Customer Questions & Answers, since this gives the ability to interact with other people, e.g. sellers or buyers, about a specific item. Customer questions can be easily asked, and open questions from other customers can be answered.
Amazon Customer Questions & Answers
Ideally, questions about an item should always be specific. This provides the best opportunity for feedback from other users who have experiences with the product and who can give an opinion. So, the most effective Customer Questions & Answers are those that deal with specific experiences pertaining to a product. This way buyers can give concrete advice and helpful tips.
Examples of Amazon customer questions
- Does this PC have an annoyingly loud fan?
- How long can I watch a movie on this notebook before the battery dies?
- How is the photo quality of this digital camera in low-light conditions?
- Does this TV have a recording function?
- Are the edges of this case rigid or flexible?
- Does this camera have a panorama function?
- Is there a self-timer that takes pictures every few seconds?
- Does this include 12 socks as pictured, or 12 pairs?
- Is this garlic press dishwasher-safe?
Amazon Guidelines
All entries on Amazon must be a question or an answer. Amazon has the right to remove any entries. This can include reviews of product availability, delivery, and shipping, or specific questions about orders. But this can also include topics about customer service or certain questions about the published guidelines. If necessary, help with the ordering process is available, or you can also use the Amazon help pages for existing topics about ordering. There is also the option to simply contact customer service, which is available in the help section of Amazon.de.
How do I ask a question?
To ask a question, you need to find the section “Customer Questions & Answers”. This is a particular feature of the product page for the pertinent item. Simply type your question in the text field. Click “Ask” to send the question to customer service.
How is a question answered?
You can leave an answer directly at “Customer Questions & Answers” on the product page; just navigate to “Answer Question”. You can view additional questions on the page “Only unanswered questions,” where only questions are shown which have not yet been answered.