research.products (POST)


Endpoint research.products returns the general information (title, bulletpoints, price, etc.) for a ASIN / keyword combination.

Example call

JSON Payload

PropertyTypeDescriptionFurther informationVersion
paginationobjectObject containing the pagination informationpagination object definition0.1.12
filtersobjectObject containing the filter information0.1.12
filters.marketplacesarrayArray containing all the marketplaces to search invalid marketplaces ids0.1.12
filters.asinsarrayArray containing the ASINs to search foroptional0.1.12
filters.parentsarrayArray containing the parent ASINs to search foroptional / not yet available0.2.4
filters.titlestringThe title to search foroptional0.1.12
filters.brandsarrayArray containing the brands to search for (full text search)optional0.1.12
filters.brandsExactarrayArray containing the brands to search for (exact match)optional0.1.12
filters.merchantsarrayArray containing the merchant names to search for (full textsearch)optional0.1.12
.filters.merchantsExactarrayArray containing the merchant names to search for (exact match)optional0.1.12
filters.merchantsIdarrayArray containing the merchant ids to search foroptional0.1.12
filters.availablebooleanFilters for products that must (not) be availableoptional0.2.0
filters.categoriesarrayArray containing the category IDs to search fordeprecated0.1.12
filters.mainCategoryarrayArray containing the main category IDs to search foroptional0.2.0
filters.mainCategoryRankobjectObject holding information about main categorys best seller rankoptional0.2.0
filters.mainCategoryRank.minintegerNumber of minimum best seller rank for main categoryoptional0.2.0
filters.mainCategoryRank.maxintegerNumber of maximum best seller rank for main categoryoptional0.2.0
filters.subCategoryarrayarray containing the sub category IDs to search foroptional0.2.0
filters.subCategoryRankobjectObject holding information about sub categorys best seller rankoptional0.2.0
filters.subCategoryRank.minintegerNumber of minimum best seller rank for sub categoryoptional0.2.0
filters.subCategoryRank.maxintegerNumber of maximum best seller rank for sub categoryoptional0.2.0
filters.primebooleanFilters for products that must (not) be offered as primeoptional0.1.12
filters.advertisingSpabooleanFilters for products that must (not) be advertising as sponsored product adsoptional0.1.12
filters.buyboxExistsbooleanFilters for products that must (not) have a buyboxoptional0.1.12
filters.querystringFulltext search over all available fieldsoptional0.1.12
filters.typesarrayArray containing the product typeoptional (see product type definition for more information)0.1.12
filters.releaseobjectObject containing information about the release dateoptional0.2.0
filters.release.startdateTimeThe start dateoptional (Format YYYY-MM-DD)0.2.0
filters.release.enddateTimeThe end dateoptional (Format YYYY-MM-DD)0.2.0
filters.competitorsobjectObject containing information about the competitorsoptional / not yet available0.1.12
filters.competitors.minintegerNumber of minimum competitors the products may haveoptional / not yet available0.1.12
filters.competitors.maxintegerNumber of maximum competitors the products may haveoptional / not yet available0.1.12
filters.priceobjectObject containing information about the products priceoptional0.1.12
filters.price.minfloatMinimum price the products must haveoptional0.1.12
filters.price.maxfloatMaximum price the products must haveoptional0.1.12
filters.optimizationobjectObject containing information about the products optimizationoptional / not yet available0.1.12
filters.optimization.minfloatMinimum (percentage) optimization the products must haveoptional / not yet available0.1.12
filters.optimization.maxfloatMaximum (percentage) optimization the products must haveoptional / not yet available0.1.12
filters.ratingobjectObject containing information about the products ratingoptional0.1.12
filters.rating.minfloatMinimum rating (stars) the products must haveoptional0.1.12
filters.rating.maxfloatMaximum rating (stars) the products must haveoptional0.1.12
filters.reviewsobjectObject containing information about the products reviewsoptional0.1.12 reviews the products must haveoptional0.1.12 reviews the products must haveoptional0.1.12
filters.reviewsTopsobjectObject containing information about the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTops.minintegerMinimum number of reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTops.maxintegerMaximum number of reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsRatingobjectObject containing information about the average rating of the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsRating.minfloatMinimum average rating of reviews, directly shown on the product detail ageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsRating.maxfloatMaximum average rating of reviews, directly shown on the product detail ageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsDiffPercobjectObject containing information about the (relative) difference between products overall rating and average rating of the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsDiffPerc.minfloatMinimum relative difference between products overall rating and average rating of the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsDiffPerc.maxfloatMaximum relative difference between products overall rating and average rating of the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsDiffAbsobjectObject containing information about the (absolute) difference between products overall rating and average rating of the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsDiffAbs.minfloatMinimum absolute difference between products overall rating and average rating of the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.reviewsTopsDiffAbs.maxfloatMaximum absolute difference between products overall rating and average rating of the reviews, directly shown on the product detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.keywordsOrganicPosobjectObject containing the information about the average position of organic keywordsoptional0.1.15
filters.keywordsOrganicPos.minintegerMinimum average position of organic keywordsoptional0.1.15
filters.keywordsOrganicPos.maxintegerMaximum average position of organic keywordsoptional0.1.15
filters.keywordsOrganicCountobjectObject containing the information about the number of organic keywordsoptional0.1.15
filters.keywordsOrganicCount.minintegerMinimum number of organic keywordsoptional0.1.15
filters.keywordsOrganicCount.maxintegerMaximum number of organic keywordsoptional0.1.15
filters.keywordsOrganicChoicesobjectObject containing information about the number of organic keywords, the product has the Choice badgeoptional0.4.0
filters.keywordsOrganicChoices.minintegerMinimum number of organic keywordsoptional0.4.0
filters.keywordsOrganicChoices.maxintegerMaximum number of organic keywordsoptional0.4.0
filters.statsOrganicImpressionsobjectObject containing the information about the searchVolumne for all the keywords the product ranks foroptional0.1.15
filters.statsOrganicImpressions.minintegerMinimum searchVolumeoptional0.1.15
filters.statsOrganicImpressions.maxintegerMaximum searchVolumeoptional0.1.15
filters.advertisementsSPAarrayArray containing the ASINs being advertised as sponsored product on products detail pageoptional0.2.0
filters.similaritiesFvtWidgetarrayArray containing the ASINs which have been frequently viewed together with productoptional0.2.0
filters.similaritiesFbtWidgetarrayArray containing the ASINs which have been purchased frequently together with productoptional0.2.0
filters.similaritiesFbtDirectarrayArray containing the ASINs which have been purchased frequently together and can be put together on shopping cartoptional0.2.0
filters.tagsarrayArray containing the tags to search foroptional0.5.0
filters.unitPricestringString containing the price per unit (full text)optional0.6.0
sortingarrayArray containing the sorting information0.1.12
sorting.columnstringThe column to sort
  • score: sort by internal matching score
  • amazon.asin
  • amazon.parent
  • amazon.title: sort by products title
  • by number of reviews
  • sort by average rating
  • sort by number of reviews, displayed directly on products detail page
  • code> sort by (absolute) difference between products overall rating and average rating of reviews, directly displayed on product detail page
  • sort by (relative) difference between products overall rating and average rating of reviews, directly displayed on product detail page
  • sort by brand name
  • sort by merchant name owning the buybox
  • amazon.buybox.prices.rrp: sort be recommended retail price
  • amazon.buybox.prices.offer: sort by offer price
  • amazon.category.rank:order by main categorys bestseller rank
  • amazon.release: sort by release date (available on amazon since …)
  • amazon.categories.rank:order by subcategory bestseller rank
  • sort by average position of organic keywords
  • sort by number of organic keywords
  • sort by number of organic keywords the product has the Choice badge
  • sort by monthy impressions, all the keywords the product ranks for, generate
  • code>amazon.buybox.unitPrice: sort by price per unit
sorting.directionstringThe direction to sortvalid direction values0.1.12
JSON Response

itemsarrayArray containing the product items (for more information see product object definition
paginationobjectThe pagination object (see Pagination for more information)
requestobjectThe request information object (see Request information for more information)
Updates / Changes
0.6.0filters.unitPrice added
amazon.buybox.unitPrice added to sorting.column
0.5.0filters.tags added
0.4.0filters.keywordsOrganicChoices added added to sorting.column
0.2.4filters.parents added added
0.2.0filters.available added
filters.mainCategory added
filters.mainCategoryRank added
filters.mainCategoryRank.min added
filters.mainCategoryRank.max added
filters.subCategory added
filters.subCategoryRank added
filters.subCategoryRank.min added
filters.subCategoryRank.max added
filters.release added
filters.release.start added
filters.release.end added
filters.bsr removed
filters.bsr.min removed
filters.bsr.max removed
filters.reviewsTops added
filters.rreviewsTops.min added
filters.rreviewsTops.max added
filters.reviewsTopsRating added
filters.reviewsTopsRating.min added
filters.reviewsTopsRating.max added
filters.reviewsTopsDiffPerc added
filters.reviewsTopsDiffPerc.min added
filters.reviewsTopsDiffPerc.max added
filters.reviewsTopsDiffAbs added
filters.advertisementsSPA added
filters.similaritiesFvtWidget added
filters.similaritiesFbtWidget added
filters.similaritiesFbtDirect added added added added added added added returns now real data
amazon.category.bsr returns now real data returns now real data
amazon.categories returns now real data added
amazon.categories.bsr added added
amazon.attributes returns now real data
amazon.attributes.size returns now real data
amazon.attributes.color returns now real data
amazon.attributes.weight returns now real data
amazon.attributes.weight.item returns now real data
amazon.attributes.weight.package returns now real data
amazon.attributes.model added
amazon.attributes.batteries added
amazon.attributes.custom returns now real data
amazon.attributes.custom.key added
amazon.attributes.custom.value added
amazon.similarities added
amazon.similarities.fvt added
amazon.similarities.fvt.widget added
amazon.similarities.fbt added
amazon.similarities.fbt.widget added added
amazon.available returns now real data
0.1.15renamed to research.products returns now real data returns now real data returns the aggregated searchvolume for all the keywords, the product is ranking for added to sorting parameters added to sorting parameters added to sorting parameters added to sorting parameters
amazon.buybox.prices.rrp added to sorting parameters
amazon.buybox.prices.offer added to sorting parameters added to sorting parameters added to sorting parameters added to sorting parameters
filters.keywordsOrganicPos added
filters.keywordsOrganicCount added
filters.statsOrganicImpressions added
0.1.13added property filters.merchantsExact
added property filters.merchantsId
added property filters.brandsExact
0.1.12renamed property filters.amalyze.generic to filters.query