Product Object


scorefloatinternal match score0.1.10
amazonobjectObject containing the information gathered from amazon0.1.10
amazon.asinstringThe products Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN)0.1.10
amazon.parentstringThe products parent ASIN (if applicable)0.1.10
amazon.typestringThe type of the ASIN (see product types definitions for more informations0.1.10
amazon.titlestringThe ASINs product title0.1.10
amazon.marketplaceobjectObject containing the marketplace data0.1.10
amazon.marketplace.idstringThe marketplace ID for the returned product (see marketplace definitions for more informations.0.1.10
amazon.marketplace.namestringThe marketplace name for the returned product0.1.10
amazon.brandobjectObject containing the brand data0.1.10
amazon.brand.idstringThe brand ID for the returned ASIN (unique brand id, generated by AMALYZE)0.1.10
amazon.brand.namestringThe brand name for the returned ASIN0.1.10
amazon.categoryobjectObject containing the information about the ASIN’s main category0.1.10
amazon.category.idstringThe official category id (browse node) for products main category0.2.0
amazon.category.namestringThe official name for product’s main category0.2.0
amazon.category.bsrintegerThe BSR (Bestseller Rank) for product’s main category (if applicable)0.2.0
amazon.categoriesarrayArray containing data for the ASIN’s categorie0.2.0
amazon.categories.idstringThe official category id for products sub-category (if applicable)0.2.0
amazon.categories.bsrintegerThe BSR (Bestseller Rank) id for products sub-category (if applicable)0.2.0
amazon.categories.namestringThe official name for product’s sub-category0.2.0
amazon.attributesobjectObject containing the ASIN’s attributes0.2.0
amazon.attributes.sizestringThe product’s size (only applicable for variations)0.2.0
amazon.attributes.colorstringThe product’s color (only applicable for variations)0.2.0
amazon.attributes.weightobjectObject containing the ASIN’s weight data0.2.0
amazon.attributes.weight.itemstringThe product’s weight (e.g. 10kg)0.2.0
amazon.attributes.weight.packagestringThe product’s dimension (e.g. 10cm x 20cm x 30cm)0.2.0
amazon.attributes.dimensionsobjectObject containing the ASIN’s dimension dataN/A
amazon.attributes.dimensions.itemstringThe product’s package weight (e.g. 11kg)N/A
amazon.attributes.dimension.packagestringThe product’s package dimension (e.g. 11cm x 21cm x 31cm)N/A
amazon.attributes.modelstringThe product’s model0.2.0
amazon.attributes.batteriesstringInformation about products battery requirements0.2.0
amazon.attributes.customarrayArray containing the custom attributes0.2.0
amazon.attributes.custom.keystringThe key product’s custom attribute0.2.0
amazon.attributes.custom.valuestringThe value product’s custom attribute0.2.0
amazon.previewobjectObject containing the ASINs image preview information0.1.10
amazon.preview.mediumstringThe URL containing the image link0.1.10
amazon.preview.smallstringThe URL containing the image link0.2.4
amazon.preview.tinystringThe URL containing the image link0.2.4
amazon.imagesobjectObject containing the ASIN’s images0.1.10
amazon.images.mediumarrayArray containing the URL of the medium version of the image link0.1.10
amazon.reviewsobjectObject containing the ASIN’s review information0.1.10 current number of reviews0.1.10 containing the trend values for an ASIN’s reviewsN/A absolute change of the number of reviewsN/A containing the products review keywords0.2.0 containing the information about products directly shown reviews0.2.0 containing the products directly shown reviews0.2.0 containing the reviews id0.2.0 reviews rating (stars)0.2.0 containing information about, how the average rating of the directly shown reviews, differ from product total rating0.2.0 (in percent) between the average rating of the directly shown reviews and the product’s total rating (0.25 means 25% better than products rating, -.48 means 48% worse than products rating)0.2.0 between the average rating of the directly shown reviews and the product’s total rating (1.2 means 1.2 stars better than products rating, -.25 means 0.25 stars worse than products rating)0.2.0 relative (percentage) change of the number of reviewsN/A
amazon.ratingobjectObject containing the ASIN’s rating information0.1.10
amazon.rating.scorefloatThe ASIN’s current rating (stars)0.1.10
amazon.rating.trendobjectObject containing the trend values for an ASIN’s rating0.1.10
amazon.rating.trend.absolutefloatThe absolute change of the current rating (stars)N/A
amazon.rating.trend.relativefloatThe relative (percentage) change of the current rating (stars)N/A
amazon.similaritiesobjectObject containing information about products similarities0.2.0
amazon.similarities.fvtobjectObject containing information about different products, that have been frequently viewed together with product0.2.0
amazon.similarities.fvt.widgetarrayArray containing the ASINs which have been frequently viewed together with product0.2.0
amazon.similarities.fbtobjectObject containing information about different products, that have been frequently purchased together with product0.2.0
amazon.similarities.fbt.widgetarrayArray containing the ASINs which have been purchased frequently together with product0.2.0
amazon.similarities.fbt.directarrayArray containing the ASINs which have been purchased frequently together and can be put together on shopping cart0.2.0
amazon.buyboxobjectObject containing the buybox information of an ASIN0.1.10
amazon.buybox.unitPricestringString containing the price per unit0.6.0
amazon.buybox.merchantobjectObject containing the merchants information, holding currently the buybox0.1.10
amazon.buybox.merchant.idstringThe merchant’s ID holding the buybox (if product currently has a buybox)0.1.10
amazon.buybox.merchant.namestringThe merchant’s name holding the buybox (if product currenty has a buybox)0.1.10
amazon.buybox.pricesobjectObject containing the pricing information of a products buybox0.1.10
amazon.buybox.prices.offerobjectObject containing the (offer) pricing information of a products buybox0.1.10
amazon.buybox.prices.offer.amountfloatThe offered amount in the buybox (if product currently has a buybox)0.1.10
amazon.buybox.prices.offer.currencystringThe curreny of the amount in the buybox (if product currently has buybox)0.1.10
amazon.buybox.prices.rrpobjectObject containing the (recommended retail) price information of a products buybox0.1.10
amazon.buybox.prices.rrp.amountfloatThe recommended retail price (rrp) of the buybox (if product currently has a buybox)0.1.10
amazon.buybox.prices.rrp.currencystringThe currency of the recommended retail price (rrp) of the buybox (if product currently has a buybox)0.1.0
amazon.availablebooleanIndicates, if the product is currently available (buyable)0.2.0
amazon.releasedateTimeThe timestamp since when the product is listed on the marketplace0.2.0
amazon.primebooleanIndicates, if the product is offered as PRIME (regardless of FBA or MFNPrime)0.1.10
amazon.oneclickbuyablebooleanIndicates, if the product is available as "oneclickbuyable"0.1.12
amazon.plusbooleanIndicates, if the product is only available as "Plus" Product0.1.10
amazon.descriptionstringThe products descriptiondeprecated
amazon.contentobjectObject containing the products content0.2.0
amazon.content.enhancedstringString containing the products enhanced content (EBC, A+, A++) (truncated if returned from reearch.products0.2.0
amazon.content.isEnhancedbooleanIndicates if product has enhanced content (EBS, A+, A++)0.2.0
amazon.bulletpointsarrayArray containing the product’s bulletpoing(s)0.1.10
amazon.advertismentsobjectObject containing information about the advertisements on products detail page (i.e. which ads for other products are shown on the products detail page)0.2.0
amazon.advertismentsarrayArray containing the ASINs which are advertised via sponsored products on the products detail page0.2.0
amazon.badgesobjectObject containing information about the badges for an ASIN0.3.0
amazon.badges.bestsellerbooleanIndicates if ASIN has a bestseller badge (either bestseller or choice badge is available at the same time)0.3.0
amazon.badges.choicebooleanIndicates if ASIN has a choce badge (either bestseller or choice badge is available at the same time)0.3.0
amalyzeobjectObject containing the information provided by AMALYZE0.1.10
amalyze.keywordsobjectObject containing information about a products keywords0.1.10
amalyze.keywords.organicobjectObject containing information about a products organic keywords0.1.15 number of (organic) keywords, the product is ranking for0.1.5 average position of (organic) keywords, the product is ranking for0.1.5 number of (organic) keywords, the product has the Choice badge for0.4.0 containing the short history (last 10 values) for the products organic keywords0.2.4 containing the short history (last 10 values) for the number of organic keywords, the product ranks for0.2.4 containing the short history (last 10 values) for the average position of organic keywords, the product ranks for0.2.4 containing the short history (last 10 values) for the number of organic keywords, the product has the choice badge for0.4.0
amalyze.keywords.advertisingobjectObject containing information about a products paid (advertised) keywordsN/A
amalyze.keywords.advertising.spaobjectObject containing information about a products keywords (sponsored product ads)N/A number of (sponsored product) keywords, the product is advertising atN/A average position of (sponsored product) keywords, the product is advertising atN/A
amalyze.seoobjectObject containing information about the products optimizationN/A
amalyze.seo.scorefloatThe current optimization score (according to the current styleguide for the products main browse-node)N/A
amalyze.tagsarrayArray containing tags, set by the account0.5.0
amalyze.tags.tagstringString containing the set tag0.5.0
amalyze.tags.colorstringString containing the set color for the tag0.5.0
amalyze.amascoreobjectObject containing information about a product’s AMASCORE0.2.3
amalyze.amascore.scorefloatThe current AMASCORE for the product0.2.3
amalyze.amascore.historyarrayArray containing the last 10 AMASCOREs0.4.0
amalyze.amascore.trendobjectObject containing information about the trend of a product’s AMASCOREN/A
amalyze.amascore.trend.absolutefloatThe absolute change of the current AMASCOREN/A
amalyze.amascore.trend.relativefloatThe relative (percentage) change of the current AMSCOREN/A
amalyze.monitoringstringIndicates the type of monitoring. See monitoring type definitions for more informations0.1.10
amalyze.rankingsobjectObject containing the rankings for a product. (Only returned by research.keyword.rankings)0.1.14
amalyze.rankings.keywordobjectObject containing the product’s keyword ranking for a specific keyword. (Only returned by research.keyword.rankings)0.1.14
amalyze.rankings.keyword.positionintegerThe position the products ranks for a specific keyword. (Only returned by research.keyword.rankings)0.1.14
amalyze.rankings.keyword.typestringThe type of the ranking (Only returned by research.keyword.rankings). Valid values
  • organic organic ranking position
  • spa sponsored product
amalyze.rankings.bestsellersintegerThe products position within the "TOP 100 bestsellers" list (Only returned by research.browsenode.lists for type bestsellers0.5.0
amalyze.rankings.recommendationsintegerThe products position within the "TOP 100 most recommended products" list (Only returned by research.browsenode.lists for type recommendations0.5.0
amalyze.rankings.wishlistintegerThe products position within the "TOP 100 most wished products" list (Only returned by research.browsenode.lists for type wished0.5.0
amalyze.rankings.giftintegerThe products position within the "TOP 100 most gifted products" list (Only returned by research.browsenode.lists for type gift0.5.0
amalyze.rankings.newcomersintegerThe products position within the "TOP 100 nost recent products" list (Only returned by research.browsenode.lists for type newcomers0.5.0
amalyze.statsobjectObject containing the statistics for this product0.1.15
amalyze.stats.organicobjectObject containing the organic statistics for this product0.1.15 (aggregated) searchVolumne for all the keywords, the ASIN is ranking for0.1.15
amalyze.timestampsobjectObject containing the information about the product’s timestamp0.1.10
amalyze.timestamps.createdateTimeThe timestamp (in UTC) when the product has been first seen by AMALYZE and added to the monitoring0.1.10
amalyze.timestamps.updatedateTimeThe timestamp (in UTC) when the product has been last seen and updated by AMALYZE0.1.10
Updates / Changes
0.6.0amalyze.buybx.unitPrice added
0.5.0amalyze.tags added
amalyze.tags.tag added
amalyze.tags.color added
amalyze.rankings.bestsellers added
amalyze.rankings.recommendations added
amalyze.rankings.wishlist added added
amalyze.rankings.newcomers added added added
0.3.0amazon.badges added
amazon.badges.bestseller added
amazon.badges.choice added added added
amalyze.amascore.history added
amazon.preview.tiny added
amazon.preview.small added
0.2.3amalyze.amascore.score returns now real data returns now real data
amazon.category.bsr returns now real data returns now real data
amazon.categories returns now real data added
amazon.categories.bsr added added
amazon.attributes returns now real data
amazon.attributes.size returns now real data
amazon.attributes.color returns now real data
amazon.attributes.weight returns now real data
amazon.attributes.weight.item returns now real data
amazon.attributes.weight.package returns now real data
amazon.attributes.model added
amazon.attributes.batteries added
amazon.attributes.custom returns now real data
amazon.attributes.custom.key added
amazon.attributes.custom.value added
amazon.similarities added
amazon.similarities.fvt added
amazon.similarities.fvt.widget added
amazon.similarities.fbt added
amazon.similarities.fbt.widget added added
amazon.available returns now real data
amazon.release added
amazon.description marked as deprecated
amazon.content added
amazon.content.isEnhanced added
amazon.content.description added
amazon.content.enhanced added
0.1.15renamed to research.products returns now real data returns now real data returns the aggregated searchvolume for all the keywords, the product is ranking for
0.1.14added property amalyze.rankings
0.1.12added property amazon.oneclickable